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Iron Roots was a dream made into reality...

It started with a dream and desire for self sufficiency. Now over a decade into making that dream a reality, what was once a passion project soon turned into a way of life. We firmly believe in being the change the world needs for self sustaining communities to thrive. Living and working within the cycles that mother nature provides, we flow with the seasons and honor the process. We never force plants or animals to "produce" and make sure to put more back into our bio-region than what we take.


Over the years working within nature, we've both developed a deep love and respect for traditional handcrafts as well. All pieces are one of a kind works of art that we put out into the world with pride in honoring true traditional techniques. If you have any questions about our process or an interest in custom work, feel free to send us an email at


Thank you for looking into our small family farm. We cant wait to show you what we have to offer!


- Melissa Foss


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