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Freyja Necklace Collection

Freyja Necklace Collection

PriceFrom $50.00

A line of bead work and Crochet woven in reverence for Freyja...

Black, White and Red Collar ~ A beadwork collar inspired by the connection Freyja has to the art of Seidr. She is a master of the craft who communicates with the Norns, weavers of fate. The colors representative of the Norns...

Matte Green and Gold Collar ~ An ode to her love of beauty in both nature and in all that glitters. Although the green glass beads are matte, they highlight the gold that catches the light and the eye to draw you in.

Red, Gold and Genuine Tigers Eye ~ Blood red Miyuki glass beads representing her power as a fertility and war goddess. Gold sea beads highlighting her love and giving nature towards wealth. Then the show stopper, Tigers eye. Representing her protective nature and watchful eye...

Black crochet and Hematite Choker ~ A black lace crochet choker inspired by Freyjas darker nature. Woven with an interlocking pattern to represent the weave of life. Adorned with a bit of Hematite to add power and protection to the wearer who's brave enough to call in her dark side.

Black Crochet and Amber Choker ~ The highlight of the collection, my take on the Brisingamen necklace so dear to Freyja. Lace crochet, lots of amber colored Czech glass beads and absolutely dripping with pure raw amber. A power piece for both an outfit and craft work.

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